Interesting thing. I think I like it. If not for the chance to share thoughts but to also take notes while searching the web.
in reference to:"Write your first Sidewiki entry here!"
- Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)
Interesting thing. I think I like it. If not for the chance to share thoughts but to also take notes while searching the web.
in reference to:"Write your first Sidewiki entry here!"
- Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)
Today Obama announced he was going after corporations that get tax breaks or move jobs offshore. This is another move by Obama to destroy capitalism in America. Bush started this by giving bail outs to businesses which nearly 70% of Americans opposed. Now just over 100 days in office, our government runs banks and car manufactures. I thought this kind of integration of government and private companies only happened in socialist and communist countries. Soon I fear we will be tearing up our Constitution and writing a new one.
America was made great because for the most part our government left us alone to make a living for ourselves. Today our government is intruding into our lives in many ways claiming it is in our best interest. When did the government become my parents? When did I lose the ability to make decisions for myself? When did I ask the government to make sure that if I make a mistake they would fix it? When did I lose personal responsibility?
We are all slowly being indoctrinated into socialist beliefs and it starts at a young age.
A pregnant women is asked which daycare her child is attending to which she replies “I will become a stay at home mom when my child is born”. Her co-workers stair at her in disbelief. In kindergarten, school supplies are taken from everyone and redistributed so every student has the same amount. Isn’t that stealing? No it is insuring everyone has the same and as parents we accept that. The road to socialism begins.
In middle school, your child brings a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich to school for lunch. You get a phone call telling you that you are feeding your bad food and he/she is getting too much fat. They will be sending your child to a class to teach your child what is a proper diet and exercise program. Don’t worry it is a government sponsored program and will not cost you anything. It is also suggested that you attend or allow your child to eat the government sponsored “free lunch”. The lunch is not only nutritious but also kosher and sharia law approved. Wow how thoughtful you say.
In high school health class, teachers trained on the latest health laws, discuss with students the importance of seeking counsel when they don’t want their parents involved in health decisions. In science, students view Inconvenient Truth. The teacher then tell them that although most of the data was incorrect, the message that humans are destroying the planet is all that matters. In an English class, students read the new classics. Chaucer is replaced by William Morris, Plato with Karl Marx, and John Steinbeck is replaced by Bernard Shaw. In social studies, classes such as US Government, Citizenship, and Economics are dropped and replaced with International Law, The UN and Progressiveism.
Boo! Have I scared you yet? If not you better start paying attention to what is going on right now. We are at a breaking point. We will either break the government or they will break us. We are accelerating towards a government centered country. Our law makers are overlooking the Constitution. They are overlooking capitalism. They are overlooking all of us. We need to remind them that we look over them.
Marriage is a religious rite. Marriage is not a civil right. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman. When they were contracts, arraigned, or forced, they were always between a man and a woman. Gay marriage has no legal, historical, religious, or even evolutionary precedence.
I like most people do not hate gay people or want to harm them or whatever. I have a religious belief that says being gay is wrong. My government is not allowed to tell me what to believe or take away my Constitutional Right.
The truth of the matter is being gay is a choice. There is no scientific basis for being gay. Natural Selection should have removed the genetic trait. It is impossible for gay couples to reproduce naturally. Darwin would have no explanation as to why a species would want to become extinct.
I don’t care what you do in your bedroom. It is your choice. I do take offence when anyone tries to force his or her beliefs on my family, my religion, and me. When you ask what would Jesus do? I would say this; he would never come into contact with gay people. He would find them unclean and try to heal them. Jesus would never accept their lifestyle. Jesus would never allow the rationalization of a gay lifestyle.
I am tired of being called “Pro Life”. I like the old phrase “Anti-Abortion”. Anti-Abortion is a better description that reduces the political correctness associated with “Pro Life”. To get to the bottom of the barrel I could call myself an “anti killing unborn defenseless children supporter”. That would be the most descriptive and accurate, however, it may give some children nightmares knowing that we have people in our country who support killing unborn defenseless children. Oh yes, that’s what you should be called if you support abortion, not the politically correct phrase “Pro Choice”.
Now I can hear the screams of women who have been sexually assaulted saying I should be able to have an abortion since I was attacked. Why? Why not give the child up for adoption? It never did anything to harm you, yet you want to kill it? Why? The answer, it is easy to do. Take no responsibility and just do what feels good. Strange that our pets do everything that feels good to them, yet have not come up with a way to have and abortion. Yes humans are the only species that will kill its offspring before it is even born.
Okay now I need to settle the problem of the unborn killing the mother. The answer is go to another doctor. With our technology we can do amazing things that can save both the mother and child. Let us use our minds to develop solutions to problems before we give up. Giving up is not the American way.
Now for those of you who think that it is not a human at conception please pick up a textbook on reproduction. When an egg and a sperm join, in whatever plant or animal that requires both, it becomes what they were meant to be. Yes, life does begin at conception. Genetic material is shared, half male and half female, and thus begins the origin of sexual reproduction. Not nine day later, nine week later, or nine months later it is at conception. This not a religious belief, it is a scientific fact.
Abortions time has come and gone. America it is time we remove it from the law books. Let us become a society that embraces life and family. In the past many believed we needed abortion because unwed mothers were socially unacceptable, medical technology could not save the unborn, contraceptives we either unavailable or socially unacceptable and sadly women had little say or rights. We have changed. Women are no longer second-class citizens their voices are heard. Women who want a child out of wedlock have them. And it is acceptable for women to buy contraception. There are no more excuses.
America has had a good run. Like a good horse, she has carried many heavy loads, charged into battle with great leaders, comforted the loss and forsaken, and brought greatness to its owner. Today she is Old and tired. She has been pushed beyond the breaking point on too many occasions. The people who once came to her for comfort now only have indifference and sow the seeds of malice towards her. Her coat once shined from the constant care had become dusty and unclean. The weight of burden is too much and no amount of coaxing will inspire her to win another race. There is hope she is blessed with child.
What are your opinions? What if any are your answers? Please comment; discussion or debate is how we come to understand each other. I want to understand you.