Friday, February 6, 2009

Letter to Senator Kruse

Dear Senator Kruse,

There is no conclusive evidence that there is global warming. Al Gore's movie has no scientific basis to stand on. It was mostly made up using poor and sometimes untrue data. Climatologist at OSU do not believe the Earth is getting any warmer than it has been in the past. Green House gases entering our atmosphere have not even approached levels that have been discovered frozen in Antarctic ice. The media has used scare tactics to keep American's sitting on the edge of their chairs waiting for the next environmental disaster shoe to drop. Environmentalist also use scare tactics such as if you don't comply with what I say you must want to kill children. The language may not be the same, however, the message is clear and for them undebatable. I believe that it is our duty to move towards an electric society vs an oil society. I believe we need to develop solar, hydrogen, and fusion power sources, however, I do not believe that our current energy usage is changing the environment for the worst. There are too many factors to look at. What I do believe is that we need to reduce our need to import resources. Our deficit is a result of American's not wanting to change our ways of spending what we don't have, wanting the government to take care of us, and a move to a more secular society. As Eddy Izzard said "there were only to civilizations that placed their hands over their hearts, Rome was one and the US is the other. Are we destined to repeat history or will we move forward and overcome our current situation. It is my hope that individuals like yourself whom represent many will make decisions that are not right and liked always, just righteous.


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