Dear Rep. DeFazio, Sen. Merkley and Sen. Wyden,
Please speak out against Rep. Henry Waxman, Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, for slapping all Americans in the face. When asked to read a bill out loud, he hired a speed reader to read the bill. He also commented that he himself did not read the bill and does not know everything contained in it. This is unacceptable. What kind of example does this set for Congress. Are you all elitist? Does anyone have any morals or values in Washington? In my profession, I would be fired for a stunt like that, however, Americans have to wait till the next election to remove an elected official.
I am very concerned about the direction that the Federal Government is taking our country. The founding father of the Democratic Party was Thomas Jefferson who hated big Government, however, recent decisions and legislation says the Democratic Party wants Government to control everything. Banks, insurance companies, car companies, cap and trade, and healthcare not to mention all of the other entitlements that are already in place are intruding on me and my family. I used to be able t take care of myself, however, I am taxed so harshly that soon no matter how many jobs I work, the government will take it away from me and give it to someone else.
Why do you support punishing productive Americans? Why do you think the Federal Government knows best? I ask you to not tow the current party line and return to what Thomas Jefferson believed in, a small limited Federal Government.
I will be posting this e-mail on my blog as I do with all communications I send to public officials.
Harry Yonemura III