Monday, March 30, 2009

“That government should be of laws rather than of men”

Jaycee Creed by C. William Brownfield ca. 1946

The point that Brownfield was trying to make was the United States of America needed to continue to be a Republic, limited government, not a Democracy, big government. “Wait a minute,” you say, “don’t we live in a Democracy?” the answer is a resounding no. We live in a Republic whose rule is law. A Democracy is rule by majority. A Democracy is a scary thing for example; a majority of the people says that they can take your money so they do; a majority of the people says that they can take your children so they do. This is not the form of Government we have, we have a Republic or a government of laws.

The following situation will illustrate the difference. A person is accused of raping and killing a seven-year-old child. A mob of people goes out to find this person. When they find the person, they vote to kill the person. In a Democracy they can, however, in a Republic the police show up and tell the mob that they cannot kill the person. That person has rights under the law, to due process, a speedy trial, and a trial of their peers. Not only that, the jury may only find the defendant guilty by consensus, not a majority. This is the benefit of a Republic, “That government should be of laws rather than of men.”

The Greeks were the first to recognize the benefits of a Republic, however, the Romans were the first to try it and it worked great. As time progressed, some Romans realized that they could elect representatives that make laws to benefit a few. Soon there were laws allowing the government to seize private property (eminent domain), farm subsidies, home subsidies, and welfare. Soon the government went broke and the people demanded more. Anarchy reigned and soon the end of the first Republic came. This however was not the end of Rome. Seeking order, stability, and financial control the citizens of Rome put their trust in a dictator, Caser.

This brief history lesson is about to repeat itself. We are moving away from our founding fathers ideals of a Republic. Laws are have been created to benefit a few while diminishing the liberties of others. Social programs and entitlements have bankrupted our Nation. Banking laws encourage a debt lifestyle bankrupting our fellow citizens. Corporate laws have granted the leaders of these companies huge pay at the expense of the stakeholder and the taxpayer. By executive order, laws are created to invade our privacy without due process. And now our government wants to do more, universal health care, nationalize banks, and tax an invisible unscientific problem.

America we don’t need any more government help. We are about to go beyond a Democracy (which really dose not exist) to become a Socialist Society. Government will control every aspect of our lives. Our freedoms will be gone. Voted out and replaced by social programs. Leaving our nation in the hands of the government and not in the hands of the people whom the laws were intended to protect.
