Friday, May 22, 2009

Cap and Trade A Big Fat Lie!

Have you noticed that the talking heads have changed the montra of "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"? Why? Simple it isn't true. We will not be dying of heat stroke any time soon. Read what over 31,000 scientest think about Climate Change by clicking on the following link. I believe 31,000 scientest and not Al "I invented the Internet" Gore or Jeff "Run GE into the ground" Immelt. Both Gore and Immelt have a vested intrest in the passage of Cap and Trade. Colusion if you ask me.

Here is Immelt sitting next to Austan Goolsbee, serving on the Council of Economic Advisers and staff director and chief economist of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, as the "Church Lady" would say "How convienent"!

America please contact your legislators and tell them to vote down any legislation that has to to with global warming, cap and trade, climate change, carbon tax or any new taxes. This non sense has gone on long enough. There are only bad outcomes for any tax.
