Monday, April 20, 2009

No Compromise on Marriage!

Marriage is a religious rite. Marriage is not a civil right. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman. When they were contracts, arraigned, or forced, they were always between a man and a woman. Gay marriage has no legal, historical, religious, or even evolutionary precedence.

I like most people do not hate gay people or want to harm them or whatever. I have a religious belief that says being gay is wrong. My government is not allowed to tell me what to believe or take away my Constitutional Right.

The truth of the matter is being gay is a choice. There is no scientific basis for being gay. Natural Selection should have removed the genetic trait. It is impossible for gay couples to reproduce naturally. Darwin would have no explanation as to why a species would want to become extinct.

I don’t care what you do in your bedroom. It is your choice. I do take offence when anyone tries to force his or her beliefs on my family, my religion, and me. When you ask what would Jesus do? I would say this; he would never come into contact with gay people. He would find them unclean and try to heal them. Jesus would never accept their lifestyle. Jesus would never allow the rationalization of a gay lifestyle.
