Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pay As You Go, No Go in Congress

President Obama in a press conference told reporters that any new spending or tax cuts must be paid for, however, we can run a deficit to get health care reform going. Anyone but me see a problem with that statement? It is a lie. Polls tell Obama that he is in trouble with the American people because of his spending. To counteract the polls he is offering a flat out lie. Congress has always had a pay as you go rule, they just circumvent the rule as they please. They will do the same to pass the health care spending bill as well as cap and trade to do it.

Now is the time to find new people to head to Capital Hill. Make sure they are not politicians or lawyers, lobbyist or special interest, and no one from a single union. The people we send should be more concerned with their current job or business and be bothered that they have to serve. That way only issues that really concern the people are brought before congress and congress will only meet for a few days.

They will do away with the IRS because it is bloated and only encourages the Federal Government to spend money. The will do away with all entitlements because only about five cents out of every dollar reaches the people who need the money. Local charities are better suited for handling these operations. Most importantly they will bring common sense to Capital Hill.

Imagine a pay check with no Federal Income Tax, FICA, Medicare, and whatever else we need to pay to the Feds. April 15 will become an ordinary day. Imagine being able to give to a local charity money that the government used to take. In stead of five cents on the dollar they get ninety five. The best part is you get to choose the programs you want to support. Choice is beautiful.

Enough is enough. We have a choice. Use your voice, pen, or computer to tell congress it is over. We are taking the country back. They no longer represent America. They represent the love of your money not you. Stop the lies. Change the makeup of Government. Let common sense rule. We have a choice.


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