Thursday, June 4, 2009

What I Wanted President Obama to Say in Cairo

I knew that there was gong to be pandering and apologizing going on in his speech. I was not surprised when he said we “share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” Lie! I was not surprised when he made up history “it was innovation in Muslim communities that developed; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation”. I think the Chinese will have something to say about that. I could go on and on taking Obama’s speech apart piece by piece. That is not what this is about; it is what he didn’t say that I want to talk about.

For those who don’t know me I am against gay marriage. Not because I hate them or want to deny them rights, I am against it because it is a religious rite. That being said, why did he not ask for gay or sexual orientation tolerance? I will remind you that being gay in a Muslim world is a death sentence. Values and Principles

Why did he not ask Muslims to change from religious law to common law? Turkey has done it, why not Egypt or Saudi Arabia?

Why only mention Jews, Christians and Muslims? What about the other religions of the world? Do they have no meaning or clout to bring to the table of the world?

What do you say?


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