If you want to make things look bigger shoot your photo vertical and from a lower position than your subject. You will get a perspective of a person looking taller and more important.
Frame your shots with a tree or other elements. Great for groups and individuals.
Forget the zoom, move closer. The closer you are the better the light.
Use a tripod. It is a stable platform and allows you to be in the photo.
Take lots of pictures. The more you take the more you can choose from. We don't have time machines yet, so you can't go back and redo a missed photo or a photo that is out of focus.
Most important have fun.
I have taken many photos, from bugs on flowers to pictures of the stars and moons. Most were bad, some were good, and a few worth framing. Like any art it takes practice. Get your photos graded by another professional or artist. You won't win awards if you are the only one that likes your pictures. Opinions of others and suggestions to make your photos better, give you the edge to produce fine art.
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