Monday, September 29, 2008

My New Four Letter Word

DIET. Yes the word that all fat people like me fear. Is it fear like I can't do it, is it sadness like loosing a best friend, or is it guilt like the knowledge that what I have been doing up to now has not been working. What ever form it takes it is real and starting in a week. Yes a week.

Jo Ann and I have started a weight management class at the hospital. Our first class consisted of learning the objectives, meeting the people and last, setting a goal. My goal is to log my caloric in take and output for a week to get a base line as to how much I eat and how much I burn. I am sure the intake will be more than the burn. Whatever the outcome, there will be changes.

Be sure to keep an eye on the blog. I will be posting progress and hopefully useful information that may help you create better habits.


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