Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce the countries debt and taxes.

Reuse the voting booth.

Recycle The Declaration of Independence.

We are a nation built on freedom. We are becoming a nation chained to debt and taxes. We use to be a country of "Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?" Stop punishing people and companies that are successful. Encourage growth and self reliance.

Remove the citizens in power when they take from productive people only to squander their gifts. Allow productive people the choice to give their gifts to programs that they believe in and help make successful. Let the free market decide the faith of business not the government.

Let us remember the ideas of The Declaration of Independence; when a government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to change it or dissolve it.

I am not calling people to arms, I am asking people to stop and think about what is happening. We are not following the principals that were set forth in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We have become a nation dependent on government, not independent. We rely on the government to take care of all of us; reducing our constitution.

I implore everyone to change. Debt is not the way, taxes are not the way either. Be creative, be productive, be generous, be aware. Eddy Izzard said it best "America only you and the Romans place their hands over their hearts. Lets not let history repeat itself.


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