The news I have been reading lately has been trying, and difficult at times. It seems neither the Democrats or the Republicans have a plan of action that will make America better. The have tried bailouts, stimulus, owning banks and a car company, etc. Basically spending us into oblivion. Joe Biden
once told a crowd of people that we need to spend more money to get out of debt. The many Republicans are no better, being fiscally responsible to the point of being voted out. Now we are at a crossroads. Mid-term elections are right around the corner. There is no doubt that many incumbents will loose seats to newbies while others will be replaced with copies of their former selves. To me it out come means nothing. What will count is how they will vote and the following is what I propose they do.
1) Repeal both the Health Care Bill
and the Economic Reform Bill.
2) Enforce current immigration laws.
3) Secure our borders
4) Cut Federal spending in half.
5) Institute a flat tax
of 11-13% and remove the class war inviting progressive tax.
6) Get rid of the Federal Reserve
and print our own currency.
7) End all Federal Entitlement Programs
8) Close all military bases over seas.
9) If we are going to be a war we fight to win or bring our troops home.
10) No more Federal Foreign Aid in an shape or form.
11) Repeal the the 16th Amendment
after debt is paid off
12) Repeal the 17th Amendment
Wow that is a long list. Too long to write about in a short blog entry. I will though write about each one on the list and explain why it needs to be done. If you have other ideas, let me know. This is our country and we as the people need to take it back.

1) Repeal both the Health Care Bill
2) Enforce current immigration laws.
3) Secure our borders
4) Cut Federal spending in half.
5) Institute a flat tax
6) Get rid of the Federal Reserve
7) End all Federal Entitlement Programs
8) Close all military bases over seas.
9) If we are going to be a war we fight to win or bring our troops home.
10) No more Federal Foreign Aid in an shape or form.
11) Repeal the the 16th Amendment
12) Repeal the 17th Amendment
Wow that is a long list. Too long to write about in a short blog entry. I will though write about each one on the list and explain why it needs to be done. If you have other ideas, let me know. This is our country and we as the people need to take it back.

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