Friday, May 22, 2009

Cap and Trade A Big Fat Lie!

Have you noticed that the talking heads have changed the montra of "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"? Why? Simple it isn't true. We will not be dying of heat stroke any time soon. Read what over 31,000 scientest think about Climate Change by clicking on the following link. I believe 31,000 scientest and not Al "I invented the Internet" Gore or Jeff "Run GE into the ground" Immelt. Both Gore and Immelt have a vested intrest in the passage of Cap and Trade. Colusion if you ask me.

Here is Immelt sitting next to Austan Goolsbee, serving on the Council of Economic Advisers and staff director and chief economist of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, as the "Church Lady" would say "How convienent"!

America please contact your legislators and tell them to vote down any legislation that has to to with global warming, cap and trade, climate change, carbon tax or any new taxes. This non sense has gone on long enough. There are only bad outcomes for any tax.


Letter to Rep. DeFazio, Sen. Merkley, and Sen. Wyden

Dear Rep. DeFazio, Sen. Merkley and Sen. Wyden,

Please speak out against Rep. Henry Waxman, Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, for slapping all Americans in the face. When asked to read a bill out loud, he hired a speed reader to read the bill. He also commented that he himself did not read the bill and does not know everything contained in it. This is unacceptable. What kind of example does this set for Congress. Are you all elitist? Does anyone have any morals or values in Washington? In my profession, I would be fired for a stunt like that, however, Americans have to wait till the next election to remove an elected official.

I am very concerned about the direction that the Federal Government is taking our country. The founding father of the Democratic Party was Thomas Jefferson who hated big Government, however, recent decisions and legislation says the Democratic Party wants Government to control everything. Banks, insurance companies, car companies, cap and trade, and healthcare not to mention all of the other entitlements that are already in place are intruding on me and my family. I used to be able t take care of myself, however, I am taxed so harshly that soon no matter how many jobs I work, the government will take it away from me and give it to someone else.

Why do you support punishing productive Americans? Why do you think the Federal Government knows best? I ask you to not tow the current party line and return to what Thomas Jefferson believed in, a small limited Federal Government.

I will be posting this e-mail on my blog as I do with all communications I send to public officials.

Harry Yonemura III

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Social Insecurity

Anyone born in 1960 or latter still believe you will be getting Social Security? Well if you are not receiving it now don't expect it at retirement. I know you think you are entitled to the money because you are paying your taxes. Unfortunately you and me are like Bernie Madoff's investors, part of the largest ponzi scheme ever invented. I wonder when the government realized that making only 3% return on the invested amount would not keep up with inflation? Did they also anticipate the number of people retiring versus the number of people entering the workforce would decline? Really who thought this was a good thing? I bet if the government had let the insurance industry invest our money there would be a lot left. Oh wait, I forgot, they did not keep it invested, they spent it. So not only is Social Security a ponzi scheme, the money has been embezzled by the Federal Government. Wow what a shocker.

Now that you have taken your blood pressure medicine or baby aspirin, depending on the severity of the truth hitting you in the heart, I think it will be alright. Here is the plan that will get you into a place where you will feel confident and secure in your retirement. You must first be debt free. If you are not, take Dave Ramsey's, Financial Peace University. For those that are debt free, first get a large emergency fund, about 6 to 9 months of expenses in a bank. Then start investing like crazy. If you can invest $600.00 a month in a Mutual Funds earning 12% return you will in 25 years have over a million dollars in the bank. Yearly interest will be $120,000 or $10,000 a month. Why with that you can afford private health insurance, go on vacations, or what ever you want for the rest of your life. Even working all your life and putting money into Social Security, you will only get at most $30,000 dollars a year. I don't know about you, I would rather have $10,000 a month verses $2,500 a month. Is it fair to put money into something you will never see a dime from? No it is not, however this is whats going to happen. Dependence on the government got us here, independence will set us free.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Do We Fix America?

Federal Governments responsibilities
  1. Legislative : Article. I. Section. 8. to 10. outline the responsibilities of the House and Senate.
  2. Executive : Article. II. Section. 2. and 3. outline the responsibilities of the President
  3. Judicial : Article. III. Section. 2. outlines the responsibilities of the Supreme Court

If you read these Articles of the Constitution, you will not find a single mention of some of the most expensive entitlements we give to our citizens. Welfare, Education K-12, Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drugs to name a few. Nor will you find our Government accountable for insuring deposits, private company debt, or regulating the free market, yet they seem to be. It seems that the Federal Government is over stepping it's bounds and needs to be brought under control. So back to my original question how do we fix America?

First, all federal entitlements need to go. Yes they do. If a State wants to continue to provide an entitlement they can, it is their right. The Federal Government should not, I mean can not impose entitlements on the entire country, it is not their responsibility. If they don't know what their responsibility is, they need to read the Constitution.

Second, States need to understand their obligation and survival is dependent on the people who live in their state. Depending on and sometimes demanding the Federal Government help a particular state, prevents other states from providing services to their citizens. Meaning, Federal Income Taxes collected in one state must be used to help another state. Not very capitalistic to me sounds like socialism or communism. Let States fend for themselves. If citizens don't like the politics in one state they can move and give their taxes to a state they agree with. Not that is capitalism at its best.

Third, the President is not going to solve the problems of the country. No single man or women alive now or in the past is smart enough to accomplish this. Problems in America differ from state to state, county to county, and from one neighbor to neighbor. This is why reliance on politicians did not make this country great, it was reliance on one's self and his or her local community that has shaped our country. The President needs to read the Constitution and understand his role is to stay out of our homes.

Fourth, get involved in the community. How many people do not know their neighbors? I mean know your neighbors, like simple things, what are their names, where do they work, do they have kids, etc.? This is the greatest loss America faces. We have been led to believe that the individual is the most important, the customer is king. I am here to tell you that is wrong. Personal responsibility and accountability is what America is lacking. People getting together to solve community problems creates solutions that are specific and measurable to that community. What works in one community my not work in another.

Fifth, judge each other. There needs to be acceptable behavior and when you see someone acting out do something. If someone is breaking the law report it don't ignore it or say it's not my responsibility. Keeping the peace and a community in order is a community responsibility. I am not proposing vigilantes or posies, I am saying if you see a person doing something stupid tell them, if you see something dangerous happening stop it. Use your common sense. What people do in public does affect you, keep them and yourself accountable and responsible.

That's it. Just five things to get America back on tract. Simple in thought but extremely difficult to implement. Removal of entitlements, redistribution of wealth, and allowing the States to have their rights back are difficult to reverse, however not impossible and the outcome rewarding. Lower Federal Taxes, locally sponsored social programs, States spend money where its needed and not have to compete for Federal Funds, lower rates of crime, lower state taxes, less Federal Regulations, just to name a few.

So how do we make this happen? I have no idea where to start, so that's where you my friends come in. Comment, make suggestions, offer better solutions, what ever you think will help let me know. Lets put all together and answer the question How do we fix America?


Monday, May 4, 2009

American Capitalism is on Life Support

Today Obama announced he was going after corporations that get tax breaks or move jobs offshore. This is another move by Obama to destroy capitalism in America. Bush started this by giving bail outs to businesses which nearly 70% of Americans opposed. Now just over 100 days in office, our government runs banks and car manufactures.  I thought this kind of integration of government and private companies only happened in socialist and communist countries. Soon I fear we will be tearing up our Constitution and writing a new one.

America was made great because for the most part our government left us alone to make a living for ourselves. Today our government is intruding into our lives in many ways claiming it is in our best interest. When did the government become my parents? When did I lose the ability to make decisions for myself? When did I ask the government to make sure that if I make a mistake they would fix it? When did I lose personal responsibility?
We are all slowly being indoctrinated into socialist beliefs and it starts at a young age.

A pregnant women is asked which daycare her child is attending to which she replies “I will become a stay at home mom when my child is born”. Her co-workers stair at her in disbelief.  In kindergarten, school supplies are taken from everyone and redistributed so every student has the same amount. Isn’t that stealing? No it is insuring everyone has the same and as parents we accept that. The road to socialism begins.

In middle school, your child brings a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich to school for lunch. You get a phone call telling you that you are feeding your bad food and he/she is getting too much fat. They will be sending your child to a class to teach your child what is a proper diet and exercise program. Don’t worry it is a government sponsored program and will not cost you anything. It is also suggested that you attend or allow your child to eat the government sponsored “free lunch”. The lunch is not only nutritious but also kosher and sharia law approved. Wow how thoughtful you say.

In high school health class, teachers trained on the latest health laws, discuss with students the importance of seeking counsel when they don’t want their parents involved in health decisions. In science, students view Inconvenient Truth. The teacher then tell them that although most of the data was incorrect, the message that humans are destroying the planet is all that matters. In an English class, students read the new classics.  Chaucer is replaced by William Morris, Plato with Karl Marx, and John Steinbeck is replaced by Bernard Shaw. In social studies, classes such as US Government, Citizenship, and Economics are dropped and replaced with International Law, The UN and Progressiveism.

Boo! Have I scared you yet? If not you better start paying attention to what is going on right now. We are at a breaking point. We will either break the government or they will break us. We are accelerating towards a government centered country. Our law makers are overlooking the Constitution. They are overlooking capitalism. They are overlooking all of us. We need to remind them that we look over them.


Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day is Lei Day In Hawaii

In 1893, the Hawaiian Kingdom came to an end. It was little more than 100 years earlier that King Kamehameha united the eight major islands under one ruler. It did not take long for Christian Missionaries to arrive on the shores of paradise with the goal of converting the savages. Little did they know the disaster they would bring to the native people.

For many generations, the Hawaiian Islands, were isolated from the world. Before the arrival of Captain Cook in 1774, no one in the chain had ever seen a white man. The Hawaiian's thought Cook to be a God and treated him as such. Unfortunately for Cook, he overstayed his visit. This was the first foreigner, however, he would not be the last.

As more and more foreigners arrived, the native population was devastated. Having no anti-bodies to combat many common ailments, hundreds of thousands died. The extinction of a race of humans had begun. Today it is a fact that we will see the last pure Hawaiians die off in the next generation, if not sooner. A human extinction that took less that two hundred years.

While environmentalist were worried about the spotted owl, hump back whale, and the condor, they failed to see the end of an entire race of people. Where were the environmentalist when the humans needed them? I know the spotted owls, the hump back whales, and condors still live, what about the Hawaiians?

I write this article because today in Hawaii there are celebrations going on all over the State. I have been missing the festivities for almost eight years now because of moving my family to Oregon. Last night my wife made carnation leis for my little one and herself. The stringing of flowers reminded me of home. My ancestral home, Hawaii.

I have spent most of the day trying to think of something to write about. For the past few days I've been suffering from writers block. So around 11 PM, I thought I would write a story about May Day in Hawaii. I sat down and did a bad thing I read the Local News. Illegal immigrant rights activist march on Portland. Foreign workers, flown in to replace laid off Americans. Union to own fifty percent of Chrysler. And so on. May day became not a celebration for me but an emergency call "May Day, May Day".

Why choose the plight of Native Hawaiians to discuss the problems in America? So history does not repeat it's self. Will Americans become extinct like the Hawaiians? Are we allowing a Government to dictate our lives or as Obama puts it "real change you can believe in". It was not change that Americans wanted, they wanted leadership, but what they got in Obama was Bush on steroids. We are being distracted by one issue after another. The Government using slight of hand just like an illusionist.

The change that we need now is:
Government needs to collect all its bail out money now
No more bail outs
Close the boarders
Enforce Immigration Laws
No more foreign worker visas
Cut all social program budgets with plans to end them
No more death tax
No Cap and Trade
Flat Tax

This is the start. We need to move closer to no government control, not to total government control like we are doing. Let us push forward to make the Government afraid of its people. For if we do not take heed, we may end up like the Hawaiians, extinct.
