Why do people post links to false information? Do we have that many gullible people? The internet makes it easy for crack pots to spew conjecture and coincidence as fact. Unlike most reliable news outlets, on the internet you don't have to have corroborating facts or evidence. All you need is an audience willing to buy into what they have to sell. Like snake oil salesmen of the past, they offer an answer (cure) for everything that is happening in the world (what ever ails you).
The face on Mars, planet X, ABC organizations mind control, and 2012 are just some of the fiction out there that many people take as fact. Sometimes no matter what evidence or facts you use to prove the opposite, people will still believe in the fiction. Why? I wish someone would explain it to me.
The reason I am posting this is that I hope there will be less fictional postings. I hope people will find corroborating facts before they post a link. I am tired of reading, watching, or hearing links that are false. Here are a few of my most despised conspiracies:
9/11 was pulled off by our Government. For the last time, it was terrorist. The CIA did not plant explosives, cut beams, etc. The terrorist crashed an airplane into a building.
We have been visited by Aliens. If you are referring to illegal aliens from outside our country you are correct. If you are referring to beings from outer space, please explain the physics to me. I know Dr. Lawrence Krauss would also like to know.
The CIA can control minds. I don't recall a Jedi Temple here on Earth, I forgot that is science fiction. If your mind is currently being controlled by the CIA, please see a psychiatrist immediately, you are out of Meds.
Government created swine flu. Did you know I can make swine flu also? Find a sick pig and hang around it a while. That's how the farmer in Mexico got it. The pig had the flu which jumped species. It happens, it is called genetic mutations. Tell me when is it a pandemic. Right now about 1000 cases reported out of 10 billion people. Give me a break.
People please stop the madness. Use logic and common sense. My dad told me "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you read". Good advice we all should follow.