Monday, April 15, 2019

Preferred Pronouns or Prison

Resist with all your might! I am not a homophobe. I know many homosexuals and lesbians and are related to a few. I don't condone their lifestyle choices, however, I would not turn them away if they seek help for whatever reason, food, clothing, shelter, counseling, etc. I love all people. God does not make trash. People choose and God lets them.

The scientist who has not come out to say that there are only two biological sexes need to have their facts checked. Chromosomes determine your sex if you have two "X" chromosomes you are a girl and if you have one "X" and one "Y" chromosome you are a boy, these are facts, not opinions, facts. I know you want to say that there have been people born with two types of genitalia. This very rare and does happen, however, by checking the chromosomes you can tell which sex they are.

Gender identification is a social construct it is an opinion and no, opinions are not facts. Transgenders are in need of attention. They want people, family, and friends to pay attention to them. Studies have shown that children who think they are transgender usually become transgender after seeing one of their friends become transgender. Many became transgender because of attention or what psychologist call gender dysphoria. Some go on to have gender reassignment surgery and after a time commit suicide at a higher rate than everyone else because of regret. Again this fact not opinion.

Lastly (if I put this at the beginning not a lot of people would read to here), sex in any homosexual, lesbian, or same-sex relationship is unacceptable to God. This has been a teaching of the Catholic Church for two thousand years. It is unfortunate that in recent years there are some priest and bishops who are gay and some have been found to have their gay loves in the rectories. It is also difficult to teach the faithful when we have a Pope who makes ambiguous statements. Though the Pope may say strange things it does not change the teachings of the Church.

God became a man, Jesus, and established the Catholic Church on Earth Himself. If you are struggling with your sexuality pray. Pray the Rosary, use the sacrament of penance or more commonly called confession to ask for forgiveness, pray for healing and receive communion. Return to God, return to the Church, and return to your family. Amen.

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