Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't Mess With Big Sis

Freedom of speech makes this pilots cockpit less secure. The TSA is going to take a beating on this one. Not because of its employees, it is because of stupid policies put in place by the bureaucrats in Washington. I have tried to make it clear that I have no problem with any TSA Agent, I have problems with the policies and procedures produced by the pencil pushers in Washington. Here is another example of a hole in the system that when exposed is handled with German SS like action.

I am seriously opposed to the way we are handling our air travel. It has been nine years since the last attack on US soil. What was wrong with the system we had in place before 9/11? The terrorist got into our country illegally, trained by an American Flight School, and boarded planes with fake ID's. All areas we should concentrate on, instead of violating the rights of our citizens.

Tighten our boarders. Get our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Let the CIA and UAV's  take care of the bad guys there and allow our armed forces to stop illegals from crossing our boarders. Next and most important, anyone here without the right to be here is deported to their country of origin. If they want to come into our country they must go through immigration. We also need to make immigration easier. Our country needs new Americans not illegal aliens.

Flight schools, colleges, and all public and private schools must provide valid documentation for non-Americans studying here. If they can not the school is fined and the student immediately deported.

Each State needs to create their own identification cards such as a state id or drivers license that is unique and secure. Foreigners may not be issued state id's, they should have to carry a valid drivers license form their country, passport and visa while traveling in our country. Once there visa expires and they haven't left the country, they are to be arrested and deported immediately and never issued another visa to visit our country. They are also to be added to a database of people not allowed to immigrate to our country.

The next change I would make for Airports is to make the airlines own their terminals and provide their own security. Privatization could lead to safer travel and new innovations in aviation. We still use technology that was invented during WWII. Planes are a little more safe, a little more quite, and get a little better gas mileage, however that's it. Airlines under the thumb of the FAA struggle to stay afloat. Government should be there to protect and foster business not kill it.

Big Sis and the rest of the bureaucracy in Washington focus on the people who jeopardize our lives. Remove the law breakers and stop new ones from getting in. Protect and uphold the Constitution not trample on it. Give us back our inalienable rights that come from our creator and not from the government.

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Congress is Irrelevant

President Obama plans to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Since the climate baloney bill could not be passed by congress, even though it could have with its majority, it did not because climate change is false. This entire scare is based on false data, lying scientist, and greedy men and women who feed off of public fear. This kind of activity has gone too far. This is not a monarchy or democracy, it is a republic. The people rule, not a few nut jobs on Capital Hill. America we need to stop this kind of action before we become irrelevant.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cultural Sex or Child Abuse

Documents released by WikiLeaks bring to the forefront a double standard in Afghanistan, men may have sexual relations with young boys but not adult men. Not that I condone either, however when one is morally wrong shouldn't both be. What is our military to do? Pedophilia is a crime in the US, UK, and most western countries. Do we enforce our laws on the people we are helping or let them continue to practice their culture? Being a native Hawaiian and an American I can see it both ways.

Due to the Missionaries that came to Hawaii in the 1780's, many cultural changes happened, some good and some bad. As an American seeing what was happening in Hawaii in the 1780's, I would have be horrified by some of the laws and social norms.

So what is the best way to deal with this problem? I am not sure. My biggest concern is the well being of the young male children being used for sex by the older men. If we are to help them that needs to stop. How to do it without creating a cultural backlash is the problem. If the Afghans haven't figured out that homosexuality with boys is the same as with adults, there may be nothing to change that belief.

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Monday, December 20, 2010


Read where we are spending money we don't have on things and project we don't need.
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Don't Mess With The Internet

The FCC is trying to gain control over the net using "Net Neutrality" as their in. LEAVE THE INTERNET ALONE! I know there are problems with information available on the net. Some information might even be considered dangerous, of course pornographic, racist, and any other bad thing out there, however this is the beauty of the internet, it is freedom. The freedom to post and say anything a person wants. It no longer puts the power of the press in a few, it puts it in millions. Any regulation by a government agency like the FCC or even worst the United Nations, would hamper the expression of many people. I believe if any regulations are tried that the real hackers, the ones who work for individual rights and freedom of expression will fight to remove any and all restrictions to the flow of information. (Did my filter just turn off?) No I typed it "Hackers".

Most Hackers do not steal data for profit, destroy networks for financial gain, or do anything to cause problems. Most hackers work to improve the environment that they work in, the wold of ones and zeros. They are the people leading the charge in developing most of the shareware or freeware on the net. Open Source products abound and are at times better than commercial products you can buy. I wounder who created most of the Open Source Products?

Call your Senator and Representative and tell them to vote no on Net Neutrality. Also tell the UN to stay out of the Internet.

Don't Tangle The Web With Rules

No more money for NPR

Krauthammer tell it all.

Search for charles Krauthammer

What Does Janet Napolitano Know About Anything

A new task force, just what we need, more government spending on climate change. We know now that it was all made up, yet our government is still pursuing it as a real threat. If people are afraid of flooding, wildfires or hurricanes, they should move. We have survived for thousands of years because we use our brains to solve problems, not governments. People survive in the harsh weather conditions because they either move or adapt. If they don't they die. I refuse to pay for stupidity and so should you.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies That Hurt the PoorWhy We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity 

US Russia Treaty START a Bad Idea

The Hill is reporting that Harry Reid is pushing the Senate to ratify the the New Start nuclear arms treaty. At this point it is possible for the Democrats to push through any legislation since that still hold the majority, however after reviewing the treaty, it is a bad deal for the US and its allies. It must not be passed.
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 The new START Treaty: central limits and key provisions.(Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, 2010, United States-Russia)(Report): ... Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs